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Rain-X® Online Protectant Common Questions

Below are answers to some of the most common questions regarding the value of implementing the Rain-X Online (RXO) Protectant program.

In Bay

What’s different about Rain-X?

What does Complete Surface Protectant mean? Isn’t my current clear coat protectant doing the same thing now?

I already offer a clear coat protectant in my top package. Are you suggesting I switch to RXO?

Is RXO better than a clear coat protectant?

My customers don’t care what brand I use – why should I?

I can only run one product for my wax/clear coat cycle on my wash equipment. How can I use Rain-X and not overspend for my chemicals?

Dispensing + Application

Can my current equipment apply Rain-X?

Is it better to apply Rain-X in a high pressure application or a low pressure application?



What’s different about RXO?

What does Complete Surface Protectant mean? Isn’t my current CCP doing the same thing now?

I already offer a CCP in my top package. Are you suggesting I switch to RXO?

I use VCCP. How is RXO going to drive more business to my wash?

Is RXO better than VCCP? What’s wrong with VCCP?

My customers don’t care what brand I use – why should I?

Since I can’t sell Rain-X as an ale carte product, how do I get the most return for my dollar?

I can only run one product for my wax/clear coat on my wash. How can I use Rain-X and not overspend for my chemicals?

Won’t RXO just undercut my SE Rain-X offering?

Dispensing + Application

Do I need to buy your arch?

Does my tunnel provide adequate rinse? Will one rain bar rinse both VCCP & RXO?

Is it better to apply Rain-X in a high pressure application or a low pressure application?